Welcome to AYJ Group

Your Trusted Partner in Accounting Excellence!

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What We Do

AYJ Group Ltd offers comprehensive accounting solutions, fosters trusted partnerships, and employs innovative methodologies to empower your financial success.

Comprehensive Accounting Solutions

Tailored accounting services covering bookkeeping, payroll management, tax preparation, and financial analysis, ensuring meticulous management of your financial portfolio.

Trusted Partnership

Built on trust, transparency, and mutual respect, we forge enduring relationships with our clients, providing personalized attention and expert guidance to support their financial goals.

Innovative Approach

Leveraging cutting-edge technologies and methodologies, we deliver innovative solutions that adapt to the evolving needs of our clients, empowering their financial future and driving sustainable growth.

About Us

At AYJ Group Ltd, we understand that navigating the financial landscape of your business can often feel like traversing uncharted territories. That's where we come in. With a steadfast commitment to precision, integrity, and innovation, we provide bespoke accounting solutions tailored to suit the unique needs of your enterprise.

Established as the dedicated accounting arm of Sky Echlipse, AYJ Group Ltd is on a mission to streamline your financial operations, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – the growth and success of your business.

Our team comprises seasoned accounting professionals equipped with a wealth of industry knowledge and expertise. Whether you're a budding startup or a seasoned corporation, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to optimize your financial performance and drive sustainable growth.

From bookkeeping and payroll management to tax preparation and financial analysis, our meticulous approach ensures that every aspect of your financial portfolio is managed with the utmost care and precision.

Leadership Team 100%
Services 90%
Staffing 75%
Clientele 88%
Technology and Tools 90%
Quality Assurance 99%

Happy Clients


Hours Of Support

Hard Workers

Expertise in Action: Our Accounting Proficiencies

AYJ Group Ltd excels in bookkeeping, payroll management, tax optimization, financial analysis, audit support, and innovative solutions, ensuring your financial success.

Bookkeeping Mastery

Our meticulous approach ensures accurate and up-to-date financial records, providing a solid foundation for informed decision-making.

Payroll Precision

We handle payroll processes with efficiency and accuracy, ensuring timely payments and compliance with regulations.

Tax Expertise

Our team of tax specialists navigates complex tax laws, maximizing deductions and minimizing liabilities to optimize your financial position.

Financial Analysis Proficiency

Leveraging advanced analytical tools, we provide insightful financial analysis, uncovering trends and opportunities for growth.

Audit Assurance

With rigorous attention to detail, we prepare and support audits, ensuring transparency and compliance with regulatory standards.

Innovative Solutions

We embrace cutting-edge technologies and methodologies to deliver innovative solutions tailored to your unique business needs, driving efficiency and growth.


Reach out to us today and let's start optimizing your financial future together.


7 Britannia Crescent, Huddersfield,
West Yorkshire, England, HD2 2ST




+44 7807 693 213